Our expertise expanded significantly in various specifications. Deman, a telling story of few words, but of all the more quality in engineering, metal constructions and everything for mobile, slow transport.
The West Flemish Passchendaele is home to a lot of history. The hard-working mentality is still ingrained in our DNA here. Likewise with Deman. Generations ago, the first Deman started a smithy for farmers on the current company site. Words such as flexible, innovative, creative and solution-oriented thinking did not yet exist. Old Deman did not need these words to put them into practice.
The West Flemish Passchendaele is home to a lot history. The hard worker mentality is here still ingrained in the DNA. Likewise with Deman. on the current business premises started generations ago the first Deman with a forge for the farmers. Words like flexible, innovative, creative and solution-oriented thinking, existed not yet then. The old Deman had these words no need to apply them in practice.
Today Deman has grown exponentially. The expertise grew and expanded considerably in various specializations. The youngest generation Deman breathes quality, technology and innovation. They also retain their West-Flemish roots: do good work, provide solutions tailored to the customer, be Deman you can rely on